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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Zinc and Prostate

Approximately the size of the prostate is a walnut, is part of the male reproductive system, it is important to make sperm and liquids, called semen containing sperm. Prostatitis is the prostate; it can be a number of factors, including a bacterial infection caused by swelling and inflammation.

Zinc and Prostate, Prostate Disease, Prostate Cancer, Prostate in Men

Zinc is an essential mineral many different tasks in the body, including immune function, blood clotting and reproductive health importance. Studies have shown that zinc may also be helpful for prostatitis, but yes, you should always consult your doctor before taking zinc supplements.
Zinc Benefits, Reduce Prostate Rate, Prostate Cancer Treatment

Zinc best food sources of zinc include red meat, poultry, fish, cheese, shellfish, pinto beans, mushrooms and green beans. Zinc supplements available, the most common form of zinc citrate, zinc picolinate, zinc – monomethionine of glyceric acid and zinc. Zinc deficiency symptoms include poor wound healing, lack of menstrual cycles, acne, hair loss, depression, your white spots on nails, smell or taste deficiencies. According to the University of Maryland, zinc deficiency is very common in the elderly.

Prostatitis are two types: acute and chronic prostatitis. Prostatitis may be slowly or suddenly, without any treatment, may disappear by itself. However, chronic prostatitis, can last for several months, and keep recurring. Typical symptoms of prostatitis include erectile weakness, back pain, frequent urination, penile pain and painful urination.
Zinc and prostate inflammation of China in 2004 issued a study published in the journal “Journal of Andrology,” the researchers studied 61 men with chronic bacterial prostatitis zinc effect. The men were divided into two groups: conventional antibiotic treatment, 39 were given zinc supplements, while 22 people only conventional antibiotics. The research team found that the group of men reported zinc supplementation significantly reduced the symptoms, such as pain, frequent urination compared with zinc. The authors therefore suggested that zinc is an effective treatment for prostatitis. If you suffer from prostatitis, you should consult a health care professional before taking any zinc supplements.

Precautions According to the University of Maryland, zinc should use fruit juice or water. However, if you take zinc without eating can cause stomach discomfort, it can take meals. Too much zinc can lead to copper deficiency, so the long-term zinc intake should be accompanied by copper. Typical side effects include zinc metal in your mouth, nausea, upset stomach and vomiting taste. Large doses of zinc may consume the body's immune system, leading to the loss of muscle coordination, anemia, dizziness, sweating. High doses of zinc may also be reduced, known as high-density lipoprotein or “good” cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, raise Low-density cholesterol, LDL or “bad” cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol levels have been associated with heart disease.

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